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Creating a Social Media Policy for Turbulent Times

In today’s digitally connected world, establishing and implementing a robust social media policy is crucial for brands to navigate potential pitfalls. Clear guidelines help prevent employees from making inappropriate statements that could harm the company’s reputation, especially during sensitive events. By proactively defining acceptable behavior and communication standards, brands can avoid crises before they escalate, ensuring that their public image remains intact and their values are consistently upheld. You should seek an attorney’s advice in crafting a policy and then implement it across your entire team.

Considerations to Avoid Communications Crises for Your Brand

When employees make statements about sensitive incidents, such as the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, brands must respond with a blend of firmness and empathy. Here’s a strategy for navigating these turbulent waters:

  1. Establish Clear Policies: Ensure all employees know the company’s social media and communication policies. Emphasize the importance of maintaining professionalism, even on personal accounts.
  2. Immediate Review and Action: When inappropriate statements are made, conduct a swift and thorough review. Assess the impact on the brand and community before deciding on the appropriate action, ranging from a warning to termination.
  3. Communicate Transparently: If action is taken against an employee, be transparent about the decision without violating privacy. Explain the company’s stance and reinforce the values that guided the decision.
  4. Reiterate Company Values: This opportunity will remind all employees of the company’s core values. Emphasize the importance of respect, inclusivity, and responsibility in all communications.
  5. Support and Training: Offer training on responsible social media use and crisis communication. Equip employees with the tools to navigate sensitive topics thoughtfully.
  6. Monitor the Response: Monitor the public and internal response. Be ready to address any backlash clearly and consistently, reinforcing the brand’s commitment to its values.

How to Address Backlash if Employees Post Inappropriate Content

There’s a trend among some social media channels to repost content that they deem offensive and then call out the offender’s employer or community. While effective, this practice may introduce further legal and ethical questions for everyone involved, particularly if the employer chooses to post specifics about the fired employee. Be sure that your policies address:

  1. Privacy and Legal Concerns: Sharing photos of individuals without their consent can lead to legal issues, including potential claims of defamation, invasion of privacy, or harassment. It’s essential to check local laws and regulations regarding the sharing of personal images.
  2. Ethical Considerations: Publicly shaming individuals can perpetuate a culture of online harassment and mob justice. It’s important to weigh the potential harm against the intended benefit of raising awareness or enforcing accountability.
  3. Company Policy and Reputation: Reflect on your brand’s values and policies. Does sharing these images align with your company’s stance on privacy and responsible communication? Maintaining a professional and ethical approach can safeguard your brand’s reputation.

If you choose to address inappropriate posts by employees, it’s generally more appropriate to discuss the behavior and policies rather than spotlighting specific individuals. This approach helps maintain a focus on positive change and respectful discourse.

By handling such situations with decisiveness and care, brands can maintain their integrity and foster a culture of respect and accountability.

Always seek the advice of legal and Human Resources experts when developing this sort of policy for your business.

If you need help navigating a communications crisis, our team is here to help–get in touch today!